Here's another story from yet another normal day morning commute...Another sun-shiny morning in Chicago and I was sipping my coffee while walking to the train, and I was in a good mood. I hopped on the red line and within the first couple of seconds I notice this woman standing near me, and she was humming. Humming what seemed to be a very happy tune, and she had magnetic smile on her face. There was an older gentleman sitting in front of her, and asked if she'd like to sit in his place. She kindly smiled at him and said "No sir, no thank you!" The next stop was his, and he rose from his seat to make his way to the door, and just before he left the car she tapped him on the shoulder and said "thank you dear, you're a true blessing to us all." He smiled back, seemed to blush a little, and said "well, thank you sweetie!"
First of all, this interaction caught me off guard because of how sweet it was. Two complete strangers, in the big bad city, riding CTA no less, and they were kind to one another. Sincerely kind. As sad as this is, that does NOT happen often, and that is sad.
I was still 3 stops away from my final destination and that's when the yelling began....I have to say, I about spit out my coffee because this woman was standing right beside me...and just stated yelling, loudly... "Don't let anyone steal your joy! Not your boss, not your mom, not your husband, not your children, not unemployment, not your anger, not your headaches, not your bank accounts...don't let anyone tell you you can't do what you want to do....don't let anyone steal your joy, ya hear?!" Obviously, this is not normal. People don't just start yelling (although it's happened before I assure you) but this was different. This woman, seemed sincere. She seemed normal, and happy. Who am I take her and this message for granted. Ok, I know most of you reading this are thinking "Court, she's off her rocker...screaming and carrying on that way" but honestly, I am grateful she was there, and grateful that I heard the things she was saying. There was truth to every word.
Angels are often found in the most unlikely of places and this was one of those moments. I know this because of some things I've been dealing with lately. Things I'm struggling with internally, emotionally, and it's been hard to focus on the right thing at times. This reminder, although very unique in delivery, was the perfect thing for me to hear at the most perfect time.
God is always at work, and being reminded of that, no matter how, is a blessing:)