Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Scripture and Potatoes...


"A discipline won’t bring you closer to God. Only God can bring you closer to Himself. What the discipline is meant to do is to help you get yourself, and your ego, out of the way so you are open to His grace.  ~James Kushiner
With Ash Wednesday here, Lent has begun! After our bible study in small group last night, the girls and I were talking about what kind of commitment we wanted to make in place of giving something up as people normally do. I thought that was an inspired idea! I decided on my drive home that I would wholeheartedly commit to devoting time with God by reading and learning more about scripture. I am very excited to learn more about God's word! 

A decided to share this decision of commitment with Jason, and he asked why I had decided against giving something response to him was that this is a time when we're supposed to be growing closer to God, not just giving up brownies or Xbox! Right?! He understood where I was coming from (with a laugh of course) but then reminded me that it's really not about what we're giving up, it's about remembering what Jesus did for us every time we have to confront or resist the thing we've chosen. (Thank you Jason!) So, with that I decided to make a second commitment, and that's where the potato comes in. I have decided to give up everything potato! Some of you might be laughing, but also those of you that are laughing know how much I am obsessed with this vegetable! Be it fries (waffle, curly, boardwalk, skinny, crinkled, or seasoned) baked, mashed, hash browns, tater tots...I am helpless before them!! So it was perfect! I'm bound and determined to stay on course and with everyone around me holding me accountable, I know I'll be successful! 
Let the Easter countdown begin! 

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