Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My mom always told me...

With the new year here and a clean slate before me...I sit here thinking of what I need to focus on and what kinds of things I can be better at, and also hope that the people around me will be inspired to be better too! Then everyone wins! One of the biggest things that came to mind is actually so small and simple but can make a world of difference in a persons life.

Being Kind!

My mom always said "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!" I'm sure we've all heard this, and we've all failed constantly! The important thing is that we try, and try again! I know that I'm very guilty of letting my tongue slip and it's come back to haunt me a time or two, but I admit my fault with my sincerest of apologies, and am continuing to make a big effort to tame my tongue! When I hear people making unnecessary comments, back-handed or just unfiltered it's pretty irritating! Supporting family and friends and having their support and positive reinforcement makes for a happy attitude so why not focus on that?!

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