Friday, January 29, 2010

Lessons learned from the radio...

As I sit here listening to my new favorite Amos Lee station on Pandora, the songs that fill my speakers are all about life, love, and appreciation. None of the songs are complaints, or sound like poor me, why me, why that etc. I admit, I'm gaining perspective and apparently am in need of an attitude adjustment. Maybe it's the weather? Gray day after gray day is getting to be a bit overwhelming. Or maybe it's the people all around who aren't aware of their surroundings and can't seem to hold doors open or say please and thank you! (For those of you who know me really well, know that these are all huge pet peeves of mine!) But the more I think about it, the more I feel myself blaming everything around me and not really looking to myself and how I'm handling certain situations or not looking at things any other way but negatively. So, I just need remind myself not to get caught up in the madness, to keep a smile on my face, surround myself with good people, and always wear a warm coat! Things are what they are, people are who they are, and there is always beauty to be found in it all....we just have to look for it! 

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