Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Love & Respect

"Each of you must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband." Ephesians 5: 33

Last night, Jason and I opened the book "Love & Respect" and started reading. We listened to one another, laughed with one another, and talked about the chapters that we read in all seriousness. This book is enlightening. It speaks so much truth, and I'm sure the further we get into the book, the more serious our talks will get. We want it that way, and we look forward to learning more about ourselves and how to love and respect each other in our marriage. Women and men are very different creatures and the amount of information being given to us in this book helps us to understand each of our most important needs. Women need and want Love. Men need and want learning, and knowing how to give the other person what they need is crucial to having open, clear, and honest communication. In scripture it's written in Ephesians 5:33...we need to do these things for one another strings attached!

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