Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy Tears

It's Sunday night and I'm sitting on my couch, cuddled up in the blanket my mom made me for my birthday last year, eating pita chips and hummus...and I look down at my shirt which is now drenched as huge tear drops are sliding down my cheeks. I am watching Extreme Home Makeover and bawling like a baby! Now, this should come as no surprise...I cry at every episode, but this one in particular just tugged so hard at my heart strings. I mean, I started to laugh at myself because I was crying so hard! (I'm glad I was alone! haha)

The youngest member of the Williams' family, Jacob, has a disease that causes paralysis from the waist down. The father of the family, Jeremy, was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease two years ago but he has not let the disease slow him down. He coaches a high school football team to a perfect 11-0 season. The Tuohy family (from the Blindside movie) came along to help out! They built the family a beautiful new home, and re-did the locker room for his football team and when they first saw it they were welcomed by a couple of NFL players! Then they showed them their new house and let them know that they had paid off all of their medical bills thanks to help from CVS Pharmacy and paid the mortgage in full so that they wouldn't have the burden of bills. 

I love this show for many reasons, but the main reason being that they show how strong families are when facing hardship. Families that stick together and keep a positive outlook. True love, and gratitude just make my heart melt! It quite honestly puts so many things into perspective and really makes you appreciate what you have. Being healthy is a blessing. Having family is a blessing, and knowing that there are people out there willing to go that extra mile for someone they don't know, is heart warming. So, thank you ABC! :)

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