Wednesday, January 16, 2013

16 Months and growing...

My little girl is the funniest, most strong willed, tiny human that I know. I'm biased ofcourse.She makes my life so much brighter and this journey just keeps getting better and better.
Right now we're in the phase of...running everywhere, forget walking. That takes too long! Opening and closing doors. She's a pro and we haven't caught any fingers just yet. I do have some Hello Kitty band aids and a first aid kit waiting just in case. My favorite word she says is "peeeeeeas" which translated means "please". She always says it with such enthusiasm because she now realizes that this gets her what she wants...well...99% of the time.

For our dancing entertainment we have moved on from Gangnam Style to Domino by Jessie J (Thank goodness, I wasn't sure how much more I could take of that ridiculous song.) Ry loves all carbs. She is her mothers daughter. Bread could be a basic food group. I know I know, that sounds horrible, and I promise Jason and I try everything possible to get those fruits, veggies, and protein into her little body, but often times fail until her after dinner snack. Don't judge me.

I am going to blame daycare for this new little tantrum trick she has perfected... throwing her body to the floor while crying louder and louder the more "no's" she hears. I may or may not have had to go lock myself in the bathroom for a minute to pray and get myself together. The crying and whining is a true test to our patience as parents.

She loves keys, shirtless after dinner strolls with her baby stroller, brushing her teeth, and yelling at us like a little dictator "Nana, Nana" which in Ryleigh world means "Get me a banana now!" Now meaning like 5 minutes ago. Oh I love her.

Jason and I can sing the Little Einstein's intro song in our sleep, and read Goodnight Moon with our eyes closed.

Our little family makes my heart smile more than I ever thought it could. Being a parent and a wife is incredibly humbling. As I write this I'm reminded of the beauty in the unplanned and ability to learn from everything put in front of me.

Looking forward to whatever comes next, with a thankful heart, and an open mind....

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