Thursday, July 14, 2011

I like color

Tomorrow is moving day and we are so excited! It's been a busy week full of packing and painting and more packing....I hate packing...but there is a light at the end of the tunnel! We won't have to do this again for a LONG time:) I'm sure our friends and family are happy for this too as they have all helped Jason and I move around the country a time or two, or four!

So in the spirit of moving into our new house I have been looking for decorating ideas online constantly. I find myself at both extremes...very neutral colors and then boom I see something so out of the ordinary (at least for my taste) and I just fall in love! A splash of color is just what each room needs to give it some character...

I love the bright purples, blues, and greens! It makes each room, but I'm just not sure if I'm brave enough to incorporate these into our new home yet? We'll see! There is a very large mirror that the previous owner left behind that could use some creative TLC...we could paint it white and hang it, or try selling it??? I'd love any and all suggestions...

As for the nursery, we've decided on lavender, white, and gray! The walls were gray to begin with so we just need to touch them up, and paint 2 of the smaller walls lavender to match all of the bedding we've purchased. My mom and step dad have graciously purchased our crib for us so we'll have that on Sunday! Then we can start putting everything together!

Wish us luck, and more before and after pictures to come!!!

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