Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Big Love

As I sit here staring out the window on this gorgeous sunny day, I realize how incredibly blessed I am. I am thankful, and humbled. In quiet times like this one, I try to check in with myself and appreciate the life I have, and the life laid before me.

In the midst of everyday life, I am now carrying a new life, and I already feel this intense, and rapidly growing big love for the miracle that God has given us.

The morning and night sickness are behind me, my appetite is that of a small village of people, and although my energy levels are increasing, I'm still so tired all day. My belly is very noticeable, and I'm overwhelmed by everything that is baby in the stores and online...but with all of that comes the excitement of knowing I'll be a mom in just a few short months!!

Life is good. God is good, and we're so happy:)

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