Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

This mother's day was a great one. We spent time with our moms. We were able to tell them how much we love and appreciate special they are to us, how special they are to Ryleigh, and how we are who we are today because of them.

Jason helped Ryleigh pick out the perfect gift for me. A brand new bike with a helmet to match. I am so excited! It's perfect and I know we'll have so much fun as a family this summer because of this gift. Thank you my loves, from the bottom of my heart.

I also had the weekend to reflect on my role as a mom. I've learned so much about myself in the past year and I believe Ryleigh has made all the difference. When I become impatient I think of her and what she thinks when she watches my reaction to things. Even when I fail, I know she still loves me. I try to respond to things differently...thinking before I speak, breathing before I explode. Everything in her best interest is priority, period. I'm more emotional, but in a different way. I cry more when I'm happy these days. When she does something new like count to 10, or the first time I heard her say "I love you mama." My heart is so happy when I see her with all of her grandparents and how they all light up when they are around her and vice versa. Watching her and Jason makes me melt over and over again. She's a daddy's girl through and through. I'm so proud of this little girl that God has blessed us with and so excited for everything to come...the good, the better, the bad, and even the ugly.

Being a mom is spectacular, and hard...beautiful and incredibly worth it.

I learned from the best. Thank you Mom, for always being there through it all. For still being here, and for being my very best friend. I love you.

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