Thursday, May 17, 2012

a question why

I heard a very sad story today. A story of a girl, who was just 18, had recently gone to her senior prom, and seemingly had her whole life ahead of her. A girl who was popular, involved, and liked by many. A girl who sadly took her own life just this past Sunday. I don’t know this girl. I don’t know her family. I don’ t know anything about her, but after hearing this story I could not stop thinking about her all day long.
This tragedy begs the question…why? Why would she cut her life short? What was going on inside her that made her feel that there was no way out? Or course there will never be an answer.
I think back to my senior year of high school, being 18, and having a whole new chapter of life starring me in the face. I felt ready, anxious, and definitely scared (although I would never have admitted this to my parents.)  There were so many things that seemed SO important and therefore drama ensued.  I know (now) I over reacted majority of the time. From this perspective I can understand how a teenager might get so caught up in teen life that they forget to look at the bigger picture. The bigger picture being that…there is life beyond high school and it can be anything that you want it to be. You can meet anyone you want to meet. You really can do anything you want to do!

It’s my hope that Ryleigh will understand this fact, continue to be curious, and explore every opportunity God offers her.
My heart hurts for this girl. My heart is so heavy for her family. As sad as this story is, I hope something good can be born from it…with God’s love, and help I know this to be possible.

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