Tomorrow, is the day...Davey is being deployed to Iraq. He'll leave bright and early in the to fly on a 747 to the east coast, spend the night and be on another early flight to Germany. From there he'll fly to Iraq. He'll be stationed just out side Baghdad and as far as he knows he will be doing patrols down the highways to make sure there is safe passage (while searching for and getting rid of roadside bombs with his crew), and from there...whatever they ask of him. He said he isn't nervous just yet, but he's ready, willing, and I could not be more proud.
We won't have contact with him for about a week, as he'll be moving around quite a bit. He will have a satellite phone with him (courtesy of Jenn Harp's little sister Natalee, and her husband Steven, who is also a soldier stationed at Fort Hood, TX.) He promised he'd send an address...and I plan on sending him lots of packages, especially around Christmas time!
So, please say a prayer, or two, or ten for him while he's gone!
We love you Davey, and we're so proud of you!