Friday, April 22, 2011

awards are fun

Thank you Catie (Our Little Beaner Blog) for passing on the Kreativ Blogger Award to me! 

The rule is to name 10 things about myself and pass it along...

1. I'm obsessed with smoothies. 2. I married my best friend on October 30, 2010, and no it wasn't a Halloween wedding! 3. I love classical music, it calms me down when I'm in a bad mood. 4. I'm a HUGE Michigan fan. 5. I wish I knew how to knit. 6. I have 4 brothers and sisters but I'm an only child. 7. I'm a really good bowler. I have my polish heritage to thank for that one! 8. I'm a neat freak...I am a happy wife when the house is clean. 9. I couldn't live in a world where there were no potatoes. 10. My family and friends sustain me. 

I'm passing this award on to The 311, and house of earnest!!! Love your blogs girls!!!

1 comment:

house of earnest said...

Thank you! You're so sweet!